Source code for enaml.widgets.file_dialog_ex

# Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
from atom.api import Bool, Enum, List, Str, Typed, ForwardTyped

from enaml.core.declarative import d_, observe

from .toolkit_dialog import ToolkitDialog, ProxyToolkitDialog

class ProxyFileDialogEx(ProxyToolkitDialog):
    """ The abstract definition of a proxy FileDialogEx object.

    #: A reference to the FileDialog declaration.
    declaration = ForwardTyped(lambda: FileDialogEx)

    def set_accept_mode(self, accept_mode):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_file_mode(self, file_mode):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_show_dirs_only(self, show):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_current_path(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_name_filters(self, filters):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_selected_name_filter(self, selected):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def exec_native(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs] class FileDialogEx(ToolkitDialog): """ A toolkit dialog for getting file and directory names. This dialog supercedes the FileDialog class. New code you should use this dialog in lieu of the older version. """ #: The accept mode of the dialog. accept_mode = d_(Enum('open', 'save')) #: The file mode of the dialog. file_mode = d_(Enum( 'any_file', 'existing_file', 'existing_files', 'directory')) #: Whether or not to only show directories. This is only valid when #: the file_mode is set to 'directory'. show_dirs_only = d_(Bool(False)) #: The currently selected path in the dialog. current_path = d_(Str()) #: The paths selected by the user when the dialog is accepted. #: This value is output only. selected_paths = List(Str()) #: The name filters used to restrict the available files. name_filters = d_(List(Str())) #: The selected name filter from the list of name filters. selected_name_filter = d_(Str()) #: A reference to the ProxyFileDialog object. proxy = Typed(ProxyFileDialogEx)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_existing_directory(parent=None, **kwargs): """ Get an existing directory on the filesystem. Parameters ---------- parent : ToolkitObject or None The parent toolkit object for this dialog. **kwargs Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor. Returns ------- result : unicode The user selected directory path. This will be an empty string if no directory was selected. """ kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'open' kwargs['file_mode'] = 'directory' kwargs['show_dirs_only'] = True dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs) if dialog.exec_native(): if dialog.selected_paths: return dialog.selected_paths[0] return ''
[docs] @staticmethod def get_open_file_name(parent=None, **kwargs): """ Get the file name for an open file dialog. Parameters ---------- parent : ToolkitObject or None The parent toolkit object for this dialog. **kwargs Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor. Returns ------- result : unicode The user selected file name. This will be an empty string if no file name was selected. """ kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'open' kwargs['file_mode'] = 'existing_file' dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs) if dialog.exec_native(): if dialog.selected_paths: return dialog.selected_paths[0] return ''
[docs] @staticmethod def get_open_file_names(parent=None, **kwargs): """ Get the file names for an open files dialog. Parameters ---------- parent : ToolkitObject or None The parent toolkit object for this dialog. **kwargs Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor. Returns ------- result : list The user selected file names. This will be an empty list if no file names were selected. """ kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'open' kwargs['file_mode'] = 'existing_files' dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs) if dialog.exec_native(): return dialog.selected_paths return []
[docs] @staticmethod def get_save_file_name(parent=None, **kwargs): """ Get the file name for a save file dialog. Parameters ---------- parent : ToolkitObject or None The parent toolkit object for this dialog. **kwargs Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor. Returns ------- result : unicode The user selected file name. This will be an empty string if no file name was selected. """ kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'save' kwargs['file_mode'] = 'any_file' dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs) if dialog.exec_native(): if dialog.selected_paths: return dialog.selected_paths[0] return ''
[docs] def exec_native(self): """ Open the dialog using a native OS dialog if available. Returns ------- result : bool Whether or not the dialog was accepted. """ if not self.is_initialized: self.initialize() if not self.proxy_is_active: self.activate_proxy() self._prepare() self.proxy.exec_native() return self.result
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Observers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @observe('accept_mode', 'file_mode', 'show_dirs_only', 'current_path', 'name_filters', 'selected_name_filter') def _update_proxy(self, change): """ An observer which updates the proxy when the data changes. """ # The superclass implementation is sufficient. super(FileDialogEx, self)._update_proxy(change) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _prepare(self): """ A reimplemented preparation method. This method resets the selected paths and filters. """ super(FileDialogEx, self)._prepare() self.selected_paths = [] self.selected_name_filter = ''