Source code for enaml.widgets.file_dialog

# Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
from atom.api import (
    Enum, Bool, Callable, List, Str, Typed, ForwardTyped, Event

from enaml.application import deferred_call
from enaml.core.declarative import d_
from .toolkit_object import ToolkitObject, ProxyToolkitObject

class ProxyFileDialog(ProxyToolkitObject):
    """ The abstract definition of a proxy FileDialog object.

    #: A reference to the FileDialog declaration.
    declaration = ForwardTyped(lambda: FileDialog)

    def open(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def exec_(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs] class FileDialog(ToolkitObject): """ A dialog widget that allows the user to open and save files and directories. """ #: The title to use for the dialog. title = d_(Str()) #: The mode of the dialog. mode = d_(Enum('open_file', 'open_files', 'save_file', 'directory')) #: The selected path in the dialog. This value will be used to set #: the initial working directory and file, as appropriate, when the #: dialog is opened. It will aslo be updated when the dialog is #: closed and accepted. path = d_(Str()) #: The list of selected paths in the dialog. It will be updated #: when the dialog is closed and accepted. It is output only and #: is only applicable for the `open_files` mode. paths = List(Str()) #: The string filters used to restrict the user's selections. filters = d_(List(Str())) #: The selected filter from the list of filters. This value will be #: used as the initial working filter when the dialog is opened. It #: will also be updated when the dialog is closed and accepted. selected_filter = d_(Str()) #: Whether to use a platform native dialog, when available. This #: attribute is deprecated and no longer has any effect. Native #: dialogs are always used when available in a given toolkit. native_dialog = d_(Bool(True)) #: An enum indicating if the dialog was accepted or rejected by #: the user. It will be updated when the dialog is closed. This #: value is output only. result = Enum('rejected', 'accepted') #: An optional callback which will be invoked when the dialog is #: closed. This is a convenience to make it easier to handle a #: dialog opened in non-blocking mode. The callback must accept #: a single argument, which will be the dialog instance. callback = d_(Callable()) #: An event fired if the dialog is accepted. The payload will be #: the selected path. accepted = d_(Event(str), writable=False) #: An event fired when the dialog is rejected. It has no payload. rejected = d_(Event(), writable=False) #: An event fired when the dialog is closed. It has no payload. closed = d_(Event(), writable=False) #: Whether to destroy the dialog widget on close. The default is #: True since dialogs are typically used in a transitory fashion. destroy_on_close = d_(Bool(True)) #: A reference to the ProxyFileDialog object. proxy = Typed(ProxyFileDialog)
[docs] def open(self): """ Open the dialog in a non-blocking fashion. This method will always return None. The state of the dialog will be updated when the dialog is closed by the user. """ if not self.is_initialized: self.initialize()
[docs] def exec_(self): """ Open the dialog in a blocking fashion. Returns ------- result : unicode The path selected by the user, or an empty string if the dialog is cancelled. """ if not self.is_initialized: self.initialize() self.proxy.exec_() if self.result == 'accepted': return self.path return ''
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _handle_close(self, result, paths, selected_filter): """ Called by the proxy object when the dialog is closed. Parameters ---------- result : string The result of the dialog; either 'accepted' or 'rejected'. paths : list The list of user selected paths. If the result is 'rejected' this should be an empty list. selected_filter : unicode The user selected name filter. If the result is 'rejected' this should be an empty string. """ self.result = result if result == 'accepted': self.paths = paths self.path = paths[0] if paths else '' self.selected_filter = selected_filter self.accepted(self.path) else: self.rejected() if self.callback: self.callback(self) self.closed() if self.destroy_on_close: deferred_call(self.destroy)