Source code for enaml.widgets.color_dialog

# Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
from atom.api import Bool, Typed, ForwardTyped

from enaml.application import Application
from enaml.colors import ColorMember, Color
from enaml.core.declarative import d_, observe

from .toolkit_dialog import ToolkitDialog, ProxyToolkitDialog

class ProxyColorDialog(ProxyToolkitDialog):
    """ The abstract definition of a proxy ColorDialog object.

    #: A reference to the ColorDialog declaration.
    declaration = ForwardTyped(lambda: ColorDialog)

    def custom_count():
        raise NotImplementedError

    def custom_color(index):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_custom_color(index, color):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_current_color(self, color):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_show_alpha(self, show):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_show_buttons(self, show):
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs] class ColorDialog(ToolkitDialog): """ A toolkit dialog that allows the user to select a color. """ #: The currently selected color of the dialog. current_color = d_(ColorMember('white')) #: Whether or not to show the alpha value control. show_alpha = d_(Bool(True)) #: Whether or not to show the dialog ok/cancel buttons. show_buttons = d_(Bool(True)) #: The color selected when the user clicks accepts the dialog. #: This value is output only. selected_color = ColorMember() #: A reference to the ProxyColorDialog object. proxy = Typed(ProxyColorDialog)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_color(parent=None, **kwargs): """ A static method which launches a color dialog. Parameters ---------- parent : ToolkitObject or None The parent toolkit object for this dialog. **kwargs Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor. Returns ------- result : Color or None The selected color or None if no color was selected. """ dialog = ColorDialog(parent, **kwargs) if dialog.exec_(): return dialog.selected_color
[docs] @staticmethod def custom_count(): """ Get the number of available custom colors. The custom colors are shared among all color dialogs. Returns ------- result : int The number of available custom colors. Notes ----- The Application object must exist before calling this method. """ app = Application.instance() assert app is not None, 'the application object does not exist' proxy_cls = app.resolve_proxy_class(ColorDialog) if proxy_cls is not None: return proxy_cls.custom_count() return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def custom_color(index): """ Get the custom color for the given index. The custom colors are shared among all color dialogs. Parameters ---------- index : int The integer index of the custom color. Returns ------- result : Color The custom color for the index. Notes ----- The Application object must exist before calling this method. """ app = Application.instance() assert app is not None, 'the application object does not exist' proxy_cls = app.resolve_proxy_class(ColorDialog) if proxy_cls is not None: return proxy_cls.custom_color(index) return Color(255, 255, 255)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_custom_color(index, color): """ Set the custom color for the given index. The custom colors are shared among all color dialogs. Parameters ---------- index : int The integer index of the custom color. color : Color The custom color to set for the index Notes ----- The Application object must exist before calling this method. """ app = Application.instance() assert app is not None, 'the application object does not exist' proxy_cls = app.resolve_proxy_class(ColorDialog) if proxy_cls is not None: proxy_cls.set_custom_color(index, color)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Observers #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @observe('current_color', 'show_alpha', 'show_buttons') def _update_proxy(self, change): """ An observer which updates the proxy when the data changes. """ # The superclass implementation is sufficient. super(ColorDialog, self)._update_proxy(change) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility Methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _prepare(self): """ A reimplemented preparation method. This method resets the selected color to None. """ super(ColorDialog, self)._prepare() self.selected_color = None