Nested Containers Example

An example showing the unified layout across nested Containers.

There are three Containers under the window, two sharing space on top and one taking up the entire horizontal space on the bottom. The two on top simply consist of a Label and a Field. The Container on the left is constrained to be slightly larger than the other by a constant multiplier.

The Container on the bottom contains the more complicated example from fluid.enaml to demonstrate that a complicated layout works inside a nested Container, too.


To see this example in action, download it from nested_containers and run:

$ enaml-run nested_containers.enaml



Example Enaml Code

# Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
""" An example showing the unified layout across nested Containers.

There are three Containers under the window, two sharing space on top and
one taking up the entire horizontal space on the bottom. The two on top
simply consist of a Label and a Field. The Container on the left is
constrained to be slightly larger than the other by a constant multiplier.

The Container on the bottom contains the more complicated example from
`fluid.enaml` to demonstrate that a complicated layout works inside
a nested Container, too.

<< autodoc-me >>
from enaml.layout.api import hbox, vbox, spacer, align
from enaml.widgets.api import Window, Html, Container, PushButton, Label, Field

enamldef LabeledField(Container):
    attr label_text: str = 'Label'
    constraints = [
        hbox(label, field),
        align('v_center', label, field)
    Label: label:
        text = label_text
    Field: field:
        resist_width = 'weak'

enamldef Main(Window):
    title = "Nested Containers"
        padding = 5
        constraints = [
                hbox(top_left_cntr, top_right_cntr), 0,
            top_left_cntr.width == 1.4 * top_right_cntr.width,
        LabeledField: top_left_cntr:
            label_text = "Left:"
        LabeledField: top_right_cntr:
            label_text = "Right:"
        Container: bottom_cntr:
            constraints = [
                        add_button, remove_button, spacer,
                        change_mode_button, spacer, share_button,
                align('h_center', html_frame, change_mode_button) | 'weak',
                html_frame.height >= 150,
            resist_width = 'weak'
            Html: html_frame:
                source = '<center><h1>Hello Enaml!</h1></center>'
            PushButton: add_button:
                text = 'Add'
            PushButton: remove_button:
                text = 'Remove'
            PushButton: change_mode_button:
                text = 'Change Mode'
            PushButton: share_button:
                text = 'Share...'