Nested Boxes Example

An example of how the hbox and vbox layout helpers can be nested.

The layout in this example is not necessarily one that would be used in a production application. However, it serves to demonstrate the idea that the hbox and vbox layout helpers can be arbitrarily nested.


To see this example in action, download it from nested_boxes and run:

$ enaml-run nested_boxes.enaml



Example Enaml Code

# Copyright (c) 2013, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
""" An example of how the `hbox` and `vbox` layout helpers can be nested.

The layout in this example is not necessarily one that would be used
in a production application. However, it serves to demonstrate the idea
that the `hbox` and `vbox` layout helpers can be arbitrarily nested.

<< autodoc-me >>
from enaml.layout.api import vbox, hbox, align, spacer
from enaml.widgets.api import Window, Container, Label, PushButton

enamldef Main(Window):
        constraints = [
                hbox(lbl_c, spacer, lbl_d, spacer, lbl_e),
                hbox(spacer, lbl_f, lbl_g),
                hbox(btn_1, spacer, btn_2, spacer, btn_3)),
            align('h_center', self, lbl_d, btn_2),
        Label: lbl_a:
            text = "Label A"
        Label: lbl_b:
            text = "Label B"
        Label: lbl_c:
            text = "Label C"
        Label: lbl_d:
            text = "Label D"
        Label: lbl_e:
            text = "Label E"
        Label: lbl_f:
            text = "Label F"
        Label: lbl_g:
            text = "Label G"
        PushButton: btn_1:
            text = "Button 1"
        PushButton: btn_2:
            text = "Button 2"
        PushButton: btn_3:
            text = "Button 3"